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IGS – The New Search Algorithm Helping Customers Buy with Confidence

IGS new search algorithm

Once upon a time, the ability to search and filter and therefore narrow large sets of content was a relatively astonishing tool. Now, modern consumers are often overwhelmed with choice, and are looking for a more powerful way to simplify product discovery. Retailers, telcos and brands are responding using Intelligent Guided Selling (IGS) to create […]

Supercharging Growth in the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Market


According to a recent report from Grant Thornton identifying the latest trends to emerge from the growing Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements (VMS) Market, there is significant opportunity for businesses to focus on the purchase journey and personalisation to take full advantage of this shift in mainstream consumer behavior.

Seal the Deal – Where Should Telcos be Putting Most Emphasis to Increase Sales?

Graph of sales

In a recent research study by Conversity, ‘Supercharging personalisation: behaviour and attitudes in telco buying decisions’ questions were asked about the emphasis customers put on various touch points of the customer journey. What would make them more likely to buy? Was there such thing as too much information? In a world where customers are notoriously able to glean information they want for themselves, was there such thing as too much human interaction when making a purchase decision? Here’s what they had to say…

The Synergistic Benefits of ‘Leisure Shopping’ and Why Brands Must Take Responsibility for Enriching the Shopping Experience


As online shopping becomes an increasingly dominant force in the retail world, many shopping centres are introducing ‘trip motivations’ to their environments – adding leisure activities and entertainment – such as crazy golf and escape rooms – in a bid to encourage consumer spending by driving footfall and providing them with a richer, all-round experience. Here’s how…

Mind the Gap – The Power of Productivity – Part Two of Three

Mind the Gap

Productivity, and the maintenance thereof is something retailers need to think long and hard about if they intend to thrive through this turbulent time. The choice is simple, continue to live precariously amongst these gaps in consumer confidence and productivity, or take matters into their own hands and make a positive change for the better?

How can retailers tackle this issue? Conversity does the research…

Fickle Fans. The rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation.

Fickle Fans. The rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation.

Trend #four of our collaborative Conversity and Sarah Cameron retail and telco whitepaper looks at the rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation. We covet brands and businesses getting it right, and highlight where your time and effort should be focused if you’re going to stay ahead of the competition in 2018. If you haven’t read it, you should. And fast.

Let’s get physical. Oh, and digital. The future of retail, telco and brands 2018

Trend one

After becoming thoroughly tired of reading article after article of rehashed content and predictions, Conversity recently published a white paper on the future of retail, brands and telco. A collaboration with the retail consultant, Sarah Cameron, the paper is a concise guide for retail & telco professionals – identifying the five big ideas, trends and predictions in 2018. In this first blog, we look at trend one, where the physical and digital merge for the increasingly intolerant customer.