The NRF Big Show. What Brands can Learn from 3,500 Retailers – Takeaways from a CX Insider

NRF Show

January brought extreme cold weather, snow, and leading retailer brands from across the globe and suppliers wanting to share their innovations to New York’s annual National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show and Expo event.

Our customer experience insider looked beyond the hype and technical jargon to highlight the trends and tech aiming to make a positive impact on customer experience. And we go further and share the challenges that are still to be addressed.

Fickle Fans. The rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation.

Fickle Fans. The rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation.

Trend #four of our collaborative Conversity and Sarah Cameron retail and telco whitepaper looks at the rise of the 5-star differentiator and exceptional personalisation. We covet brands and businesses getting it right, and highlight where your time and effort should be focused if you’re going to stay ahead of the competition in 2018. If you haven’t read it, you should. And fast.

Let’s get physical. Oh, and digital. The future of retail, telco and brands 2018

Trend one

After becoming thoroughly tired of reading article after article of rehashed content and predictions, Conversity recently published a white paper on the future of retail, brands and telco. A collaboration with the retail consultant, Sarah Cameron, the paper is a concise guide for retail & telco professionals – identifying the five big ideas, trends and predictions in 2018. In this first blog, we look at trend one, where the physical and digital merge for the increasingly intolerant customer.

Behavioural Technology and the Customer Connection in Retail

Behavioural Technology and the Customer Connection

Retail is a people business, again. Your staff will define your year. So we’re a month into 2016, and yet still the predictions for retail trends continues. Indeed, in particular I’ve been looking at a series of excellent articles on Forbes online around just that subject. There’s certainly plenty to get your teeth into. One that […]