Regulations and Convergence. Telco Trends and What They Mean for Customer Experience and Engagement

Regulations and Convergence. Telco Trends and What They Mean for Customer Experience and Engagement

Telcos are at the forefront of businesses that need to make significant changes in the coming months if they are to keep up with the tech and connectivity advancements, consumer shopping trends and regulation changes. Experts believe that there will be 20.4 billion connected ‘things’ globally by 2020 and this alone puts a huge pressure on telecommunications companies powering everything from mobile devices to smart cities.

Taking risks ‘key to retailers’ survival’- report

high street

January brought extreme cold weather, snow, and leading retailer brands from across the globe and suppliers wanting to share their innovations to New York’s annual National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show and Expo event.

Our customer experience insider looked beyond the hype and technical jargon to highlight the trends and tech aiming to make a positive impact on customer experience. And we go further and share the challenges that are still to be addressed.